Members Conduct Live Fire Training In Avenue
By Fire Chief J.A. Nelson
October 18, 2014

On Saturday morning 18 volunteers participated in a live fire training exercise at an acquired structure on Oakley Road in Avenue. The homeowners contacted the department and requested the house be burned down in preparation for a new home on the property. Permits were obtained and members prepared the house for the burn.

In the weeks leading up to the burn drill, volunteers conducted several weekly drills at the property to include search and rescue, forcible entry and ventilation. There were three rooms in the house that were suitable for burning. The folding tank was set up and Engine 52 was the supply pumper. Three lines were utilized off Engine 52 and Engine 51 had an additional line in place as a back up. Ambulance 598 stood by during the burn.

Crews rotated through the house having several chances to extinguish live fires. Once each of the rooms had been burned, crews set up outside the structure and allowed the house to burn down. This was a great training opportunity for all involved. We would like to thank the homeowner for allowing us to use the property for the valuable training.

Units: Engine 51, Engine 52, Squad 5, Tanker 5, Utility 5, Command 5
Mutual Aid: Ambulance 598